Reiki massage is a style of spiritual cleansing and healing. The most familiar form of massage, technically known as Swedish massage, is a purely physical experience. It uses pressure to manipulate the body, particularly the muscles. Five different strokes are used to loosen the muscles and increase blood flow. Its benefits have been known for centuries, evidenced by the wide range of massage techniques that have developed in nearly every culture worldwide and throughout history. Massage is very relaxing and has been shown to reduce stress-induced cortisol levels in the body, as well as relieving anxiety and stress. Its ability to mentally relax patients is very powerful, and evidence of the strong connection between mind and body. It is a staple method of all sports therapists, physiotherapists and healers. Reiki massage, on the other hand, is unique in that it requires little to no physical contact. Reiki is a style…
Traditional Massage vs Reiki Massage
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