Reiki is an ancient Japanese technique used for spiritual healing and stress reduction. Reiki massage works by channeling the universal life energy, called ki, through chakras in the body and thus enhancing the life force that sustains every living thing in the universe. Because this force is what nourishes and sustains life, Reiki can be used to heal the physical body, as well as the mind and the spirit. Reiki practitioners are specialists who have been attuned to the unique Reiki life force. They have the ability to find blockages in the chakras caused by negative energy. They can then channel positive energy through those blockages, clearing away negative energy, realigning the pathways along which the life force flows and enhancing the client’s life force. Many Reiki practitioners are also massage therapists, and as a consequence, Reiki massage sessions often take place in spas and massage rooms, as well as…
What Can I Expect in a Typical Reiki Massage Session?
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